Transition Coaching

Every student deserves a shot at “the next level”!

Every child has a dream and goals but not every child/student has the road map to get there. Transition coaching is for students of all ages to focus on the skills (self-advocacy, knowing their strengths, goal setting, working on academics, etc). Just like athletes have coaches to get them to the next level, every student deserves that same level of personalized attention.

When we think of athletes that are trying to get “to the next level”, each one is assessed regarding their personal skills and then receive individualized coaching to improve in other areas. The assessment/coaching is ongoing until the athlete graduates and is ready to take their abilities to the next level. Transition coaching gives every student that same level of opportunity. 

Transition coaching can take on a variety of appearances.

There are group sessions that start every August and run for 30 weeks. Every other week is a 30 minute session via Google Meets with the off weeks being individualized work (so a total of 15 “content” and 15 weeks of individual work).

In addition to the group sessions, individual coaching sessions are offered where the student (and parent if applicable) meet to discuss progress on those individual discreet sessions. You can do either/or or combine them to maximize the potential!

Want to know more? Email me to schedule a consultation or to ask any questions!


Teach & Develop